2024 launches the second ever cohort of the Ella Baker Young Adult Fellowship!
"I have always thought what is needed is the development of people who are interested no tin being leaders as much as developing leadership in others."
The Ella Baker Young Adult Fellowship is inspired by the fearless leader Ella Baker, a firm believer in the training and development of those most affected by oppression to impact systemic change in their communities. The City School has always committed developing teenagers as leaders around racial and social justice. In the Ella Baker Fellowship, we will do this by supporting the next generation of young adult leaders.
The Ella Baker Young Adult fellowship seeks to develop young adult youth workers, facilitators and organizers in becoming effective organizational leaders and staff, in order to strengthen movement building and movement infrastructure. We will ground the program in the principles of organizing, mental health and collective care, transformative justice and popular education around racial, economic, gender, queer and disability justice.
The next Ella Baker cohort will run from October 2024 - May 2026. BIPOC young adults aged 18-26 who are involved -- or reconnecting to -- youth work, community organizing, political education or organizational leadership are encouraged to apply.

Interested in applying to the Ella Baker Fellowship? Want to support the Fellowship?
Apply here or contact Amatullah and Tara at amatullah@thecityschool.org or tara@thecityschool.org.
Applications for the next cohort of Ella Baker are due January 31, 2024.